Marist Commencement
Celebrating the Class of 2025
• The graduate ceremony will be on Friday, May 23.
• The undergraduate ceremony will be on Saturday, May 24.About
Marist Commencement
Celebrating the Class of 2025
• The graduate ceremony will be on Friday, May 23.
• The undergraduate ceremony will be on Saturday, May 24.Academics
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Marist Commencement
Celebrating the Class of 2025
• The graduate ceremony will be on Friday, May 23.
• The undergraduate ceremony will be on Saturday, May 24.Admission & Financial Aid
Student Life
Marist Commencement
Celebrating the Class of 2025
• The graduate ceremony will be on Friday, May 23.
• The undergraduate ceremony will be on Saturday, May 24.Student Life
- Athletics
Dr. Anne Grace Zahradnik
Associate Professor, Health Care Administration
Dr. Zahradnik is an Assistant Professor of Health Care Administration in the School of Management, Marist University, Poughkeepsie, NY. She has a BA in English from the University of Pittsburgh and an MA in Communication and a PhD in Public Administration from Western Michigan University. She comes to academia from a successful career in business-to-business and health care marketing.
Dr. Zahradnik is chair-elect of the American Society of Public Administration Section on Health and Human Services Administration. She is a member of the editorial board and book review editor for the Journal of Health and Human Services Administration. Her research focuses on program evaluation and on communication surrounding health care policy issues.
Riding and showing dressage horses.
PhD, Public Administration, Western Michigan University, Kalamazoo, Michigan. July 2006. QPA 3.85. Pi Alpha Alpha honor society. Dissertation entitled, "Providing Uninsured Adults with Free or Low-Cost Primary Care: Does it Influence Their Use of Hospital Emergency Departments?"
MA, Communication, Western Michigan University, Kalamazoo, Michigan, May 1991. Area of concentration, organizational communication. QPA 3.95. (Note: degree awarded as Anne Klein.)
BA, English, University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, April 1984. Area of concentration, magazine journalism. Other courses included sciences, engineering, and graphic arts. Honors convocation, departmental honors, dean's list, and Pittsburgh Business Times Scholarship. QPA 3.60 (in major 3.90). (Note: degree awarded as Klein.)
Graduate Studies Certificate, Archival, Museum, and Editing Studies, Duquesne University, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, August 1985. QPA 3.95. (Note: degree awarded as Klein.)
Research Interests / Areas of Study
Health care and nonprofit program evaluation.
Selected Publications
"Planning and managing your internal public relations" a chapter in The Practice of Government Public Relations, edited by Mordecai Lee, Grant Neeley, and Kendra B. Stewart. Expected publication with Taylor & Francis/CRC Press, Fall 2010.
Book review of "The Philosophy of Public Health," edited by Angus Dawson. Accepted by the Journal of Health and Human Services. Volume 33, Number 1, Summer 2010.
"Bureau Men, Settlement WomenHow Does it Apply to Modern Health Legislation?" I am the sole author of this article. Accepted by Administrative Theory and Praxis. June 2010. Paper resulted from presentation made at March 2009 ASPA conference.
"A 12-Factor, 4-Tier Model of Organizational Health: the Critical Role of Psychosocial Factors Across Age Cohorts, An Applied Case Example of the Model" co-authored with Dr. Patricia Fisher. Submitted to the Journal of Health and Human Services, September 2009.
Fall 2008: Journal of Health and Human Services, Vol 31, No. 2. "Does Providing Uninsured Adults with Free or Low-Cost Primary Care Influence Their Use of Hospital Emergency Departments?"
Foreword to Comparing and Contrasting Marketing Assumptions and Advertising Strategies in Japan and the United States: Case Studies, by Joseph P. Helgert. The Edwin Mellon Press, 2005.
Co-author of "A User's Guide to Marketing ROI" American Marketing Association's Marketing Health Services magazine, Fall 2003.
Selected Presentations
October 2010: "Nonprofit entrepreneurs: Constrained resources coping mechanisms." Northeast Business & Economics Association annual conference, Morristown, NJ, co-authored with Helisse Levine, PhD, September 30 to Oct 2, 2010.
April 2010: "The weakest link: Improving program evaluation communication to connect researchers, policy decision makers and stakeholders." American Society for Public Administration annual conference, San Jose, California, April 7-13, 2010.
October 2009: "Culturally Tailoring Messages to Improve Asthma Control" presented at the Southeastern Conference on Public Administration annual conference, Louisville, KY. Sole author. Also submitted as a paper to Journal of Health and Human Services.
October 2009: "Learning from Editorial Board Members: Success with Peer Review" member of a panel discussion at the Southeastern Conference on Public Administration annual conference, Louisville, KY.
March, 2009. "Bureau Mean and Settlement Women Developing Modern Health Care Policy" presented at the American Society for Public Administration annual conference. This presentation was also turned into a paper that is under final review with "Administrative Theory and Praxis" as of September 2009.
June 10, 2009: "Using simulations in online teaching." Long Island University Teaching with Technology Workshop.
Nov 7, 2008: "Intergenerational Differences and Their Relation to Recruitment and Retention in a Rapidly Changing Public Safety Workplace: Applying a 12-Factor, 4-Tier Model of Organizational Health."at the American Society for Public Administration Region IV Annual Conference.
Sept 25, 2008: "Critical Issues in Health Care Reform." This was a panel presentation at the Southeastern Conference of Public Administration. I presented an analysis of health care legislation trends throughout the entire history of the US Congress.
March 9, 2008: "Health Reform, Social Justice and Popular Culture" Insights to Gain and Misperceptions to Counter" My part of the panel presentation was to provide background on the history of health care policy and policy reform in the United States.
March 25, 2007: Paper presentation at the American Society for Public Administration National Conference, Washington, DC, "Did a Community Collaboration Providing Low-Cost Primary Care Influence Uninsured Adults' Use of a Hospital Emergency Department?"
March 25, 2006: Round table at the New Jersey Communication Association 10th Anniversary Conference, "Sensory Communication for Increasing Funding for Communication Departments."
March 2004: Moderator and presenter of "Self-Paying Patients: Assessing the Kalamazoo County Community Access Program's Influence on Emergency Department Use" at the American Society of Public Administration national conference.
July 2003: Co-author of paper on US exportation of direct to consumer pharmaceutical advertising, presented at Fulbright American Studies Conference, University of Waikato, New Zealand. Paper was presented by my co-author Joseph Helgert, PhD. I did not attend the conference because it overlapped with my doctoral comprehensive exam.
Co-author/co-presenter "Buying into Marketing ROI" April 2003 Marketing Strategy Forum, New Orleans.
American Society of Public Administration (ASPA)
Health and Human Services section of ASPA
Pi Alpha Alpha

Contact Information
Academic School
School of ManagementOffice
Dyson 2045Phone
(845) 575-3000 ext. 2911Dr. Anne Grace Zahradnik
Associate Professor, Health Care Administration
Dr. Zahradnik is an Assistant Professor of Health Care Administration in the School of Management, Marist University, Poughkeepsie, NY. She has a BA in English from the University of Pittsburgh and an MA in Communication and a PhD in Public Administration from Western Michigan University. She comes to academia from a successful career in business-to-business and health care marketing.
Dr. Zahradnik is chair-elect of the American Society of Public Administration Section on Health and Human Services Administration. She is a member of the editorial board and book review editor for the Journal of Health and Human Services Administration. Her research focuses on program evaluation and on communication surrounding health care policy issues.
Riding and showing dressage horses.
PhD, Public Administration, Western Michigan University, Kalamazoo, Michigan. July 2006. QPA 3.85. Pi Alpha Alpha honor society. Dissertation entitled, "Providing Uninsured Adults with Free or Low-Cost Primary Care: Does it Influence Their Use of Hospital Emergency Departments?"
MA, Communication, Western Michigan University, Kalamazoo, Michigan, May 1991. Area of concentration, organizational communication. QPA 3.95. (Note: degree awarded as Anne Klein.)
BA, English, University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, April 1984. Area of concentration, magazine journalism. Other courses included sciences, engineering, and graphic arts. Honors convocation, departmental honors, dean's list, and Pittsburgh Business Times Scholarship. QPA 3.60 (in major 3.90). (Note: degree awarded as Klein.)
Graduate Studies Certificate, Archival, Museum, and Editing Studies, Duquesne University, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, August 1985. QPA 3.95. (Note: degree awarded as Klein.)
Research Interests / Areas of Study
Health care and nonprofit program evaluation.
Selected Publications
"Planning and managing your internal public relations" a chapter in The Practice of Government Public Relations, edited by Mordecai Lee, Grant Neeley, and Kendra B. Stewart. Expected publication with Taylor & Francis/CRC Press, Fall 2010.
Book review of "The Philosophy of Public Health," edited by Angus Dawson. Accepted by the Journal of Health and Human Services. Volume 33, Number 1, Summer 2010.
"Bureau Men, Settlement WomenHow Does it Apply to Modern Health Legislation?" I am the sole author of this article. Accepted by Administrative Theory and Praxis. June 2010. Paper resulted from presentation made at March 2009 ASPA conference.
"A 12-Factor, 4-Tier Model of Organizational Health: the Critical Role of Psychosocial Factors Across Age Cohorts, An Applied Case Example of the Model" co-authored with Dr. Patricia Fisher. Submitted to the Journal of Health and Human Services, September 2009.
Fall 2008: Journal of Health and Human Services, Vol 31, No. 2. "Does Providing Uninsured Adults with Free or Low-Cost Primary Care Influence Their Use of Hospital Emergency Departments?"
Foreword to Comparing and Contrasting Marketing Assumptions and Advertising Strategies in Japan and the United States: Case Studies, by Joseph P. Helgert. The Edwin Mellon Press, 2005.
Co-author of "A User's Guide to Marketing ROI" American Marketing Association's Marketing Health Services magazine, Fall 2003.
Selected Presentations
October 2010: "Nonprofit entrepreneurs: Constrained resources coping mechanisms." Northeast Business & Economics Association annual conference, Morristown, NJ, co-authored with Helisse Levine, PhD, September 30 to Oct 2, 2010.
April 2010: "The weakest link: Improving program evaluation communication to connect researchers, policy decision makers and stakeholders." American Society for Public Administration annual conference, San Jose, California, April 7-13, 2010.
October 2009: "Culturally Tailoring Messages to Improve Asthma Control" presented at the Southeastern Conference on Public Administration annual conference, Louisville, KY. Sole author. Also submitted as a paper to Journal of Health and Human Services.
October 2009: "Learning from Editorial Board Members: Success with Peer Review" member of a panel discussion at the Southeastern Conference on Public Administration annual conference, Louisville, KY.
March, 2009. "Bureau Mean and Settlement Women Developing Modern Health Care Policy" presented at the American Society for Public Administration annual conference. This presentation was also turned into a paper that is under final review with "Administrative Theory and Praxis" as of September 2009.
June 10, 2009: "Using simulations in online teaching." Long Island University Teaching with Technology Workshop.
Nov 7, 2008: "Intergenerational Differences and Their Relation to Recruitment and Retention in a Rapidly Changing Public Safety Workplace: Applying a 12-Factor, 4-Tier Model of Organizational Health."at the American Society for Public Administration Region IV Annual Conference.
Sept 25, 2008: "Critical Issues in Health Care Reform." This was a panel presentation at the Southeastern Conference of Public Administration. I presented an analysis of health care legislation trends throughout the entire history of the US Congress.
March 9, 2008: "Health Reform, Social Justice and Popular Culture" Insights to Gain and Misperceptions to Counter" My part of the panel presentation was to provide background on the history of health care policy and policy reform in the United States.
March 25, 2007: Paper presentation at the American Society for Public Administration National Conference, Washington, DC, "Did a Community Collaboration Providing Low-Cost Primary Care Influence Uninsured Adults' Use of a Hospital Emergency Department?"
March 25, 2006: Round table at the New Jersey Communication Association 10th Anniversary Conference, "Sensory Communication for Increasing Funding for Communication Departments."
March 2004: Moderator and presenter of "Self-Paying Patients: Assessing the Kalamazoo County Community Access Program's Influence on Emergency Department Use" at the American Society of Public Administration national conference.
July 2003: Co-author of paper on US exportation of direct to consumer pharmaceutical advertising, presented at Fulbright American Studies Conference, University of Waikato, New Zealand. Paper was presented by my co-author Joseph Helgert, PhD. I did not attend the conference because it overlapped with my doctoral comprehensive exam.
Co-author/co-presenter "Buying into Marketing ROI" April 2003 Marketing Strategy Forum, New Orleans.
American Society of Public Administration (ASPA)
Health and Human Services section of ASPA
Pi Alpha Alpha